by RetroRuth | Jan 23, 2013 | MCMenu Fun, Tom
It’s been a fun year on Mid-Century Menu! We’ve had cakes shaped like lambs, spaghetti poured on sandwiches and gelatin shaped like…well…everything. But with all the crazy cooking we did, 10 posts stood out as absolute reader favorites. So, here are the most popular...
by RetroRuth | Sep 5, 2012 | Best & Worst, Contests, Hello Jell-O, The BEST, The WORST
It was an epic contest. It spanned about 4 months and had 10 winners. I really can’t blame you if you couldn’t keep track of all the gelatin-goodness (There was a ton of it!), so I decided to do a re-cap so we can relive the fun, the horror and the gelatin. Best...
by RetroRuth | Aug 10, 2011 | Contests, The WORST
Is… Wait for it… Wait for it… You’ve gotta enjoy the anticipation… After much tasting, testing, choking, writing, gagging, posting, planning, voting AND waiting, I am happy to announce that the winner of the “Let’s Sing A Tune To Tuna Contest” is… Tuna Pizza! And the...
by RetroRuth | Aug 3, 2011 | Contests
Let’s hear it once again for our finalists in our horrible mid-century Tuna Recipe Contest! Wow, guys, you went above and beyond for this one. Some terrible, terrible stuff appeared in my email inbox and then made its way onto our dinner table. It was crazy. It was...
by RetroRuth | Aug 18, 2010 | Contests
This is it!!! And so begins the voting for the Worst Mid-Century Recipe Contest. To bring everyone up to speed, these are the recipes that were submitted by YOU, the readers, for the dubious honor of being crowned the Worst Mid-Century Recipe, and this stunning...