by RetroRuth | Jul 3, 2013 | Best & Worst, Fourth of July, Hello Jell-O, Holiday, The BEST
I have been keeping a secret from you guys, and it is pretty major. Are you ready? Here we go: I may have scored the greatest gelatin mold of all time. I’m serious. I got my grubby little mitts on this thing probably 10 or so months ago, and I have been...
by RetroRuth | Feb 6, 2013 | Desserts, Hello Jell-O, Pie
Guess what? It’s pie time here on Mid-Century Menu! I love pie time. Mostly because most of the pies we make here turn out pretty well. And they almost never have vegetables in them. See? Not a vegetable in sight. This recipe for Sherry Almond Pie was sent to us by...
by RetroRuth | Jan 16, 2013 | Hello Jell-O, Salads, Side Dishes & Salads
There are a lot of things that we need every week to make the Mid-Century Menu. Some of those things are tangible. Most weeks we need things like a recipe, the proper cookware, an oven and stovetop, and ingredients (which usually includes lots of gelatin). But a lot...
by RetroRuth | Oct 5, 2011 | Desserts, Hello Jell-O, Pie
It’s Fall! I love fall. It’s the season of pumpkins and Halloween. The season for butternut squash, fresh chestnuts and bushel baskets of tomatoes. But, most importantly, it’s the season for apples. And even more important than apples? Apple. Cider. Oh yes. Apple...