by RetroRuth | May 12, 2010 | Casserole, Main Dishes, Pasta
By RetroRuth Happy Wednesday, All! This week on the Mid-Century Menu we are cooking out of a cookbook that a lucky lady in 1957 would have received with her brand new, state of the art Rena-Ware. Published in 1957, this super cute book has tons of recipes created by...
by RetroRuth | May 5, 2010 | Beef, Main Dishes
Man, nothing screams “Mid-Century Menu” like a cookbook that has a giant, rare, glistening meatloaf on the cover. And to top it off, it is Good Housekeeping’s Hamburger & Hot Dog Book, Novel Uses For America’s Favorite Meats! I love that...
by RetroRuth | Apr 21, 2010 | Hot Dogs & Mystery Meats, Main Dishes
It’s Wednesday again, and time for this week’s Mid-Century Menu! This week Tom and I decided to have a little fun and dive back into a cookbook that we found absolutely hilarious. A victim of the “Western” phase, 101 Ideas for a Quick and...
by RetroRuth | Jan 20, 2010 | Casserole, Main Dishes, Pork
Welcome to another Mid-Century Menu!! This week we are cooking out of a kind of fun little cookbook I found while on vacation this summer. It is Prize Winning Recipes (made better with American Beauty Macaroni Products) or Institutional Cooking At Home. Just...
by RetroRuth | Jan 13, 2010 | Hello Jell-O, Salads, SPAM!
I love the Mid-Century Menu for so many reasons. Well, not for taste reasons, but there are a lot of other good reasons the Mid-Century Menu is awesome. One of them is that it gives me an excuse for my ridiculously huge cookbook collection. Another is that it gives...