by RetroRuth | Apr 28, 2010 | Desserts, Pork, The WORST
Holy Cow!!! We have a ketchup-covered whopper of a Mid-Century Menu for you guys today. Gah. This weekend during our thrifting trip, we stumbled on what just might be one of the craziest mid-century cookbooks ever: 57 Prize-Winning Recipes From H.J. Heinz Co. I...
by RetroRuth | Apr 21, 2010 | Hot Dogs & Mystery Meats, Main Dishes
It’s Wednesday again, and time for this week’s Mid-Century Menu! This week Tom and I decided to have a little fun and dive back into a cookbook that we found absolutely hilarious. A victim of the “Western” phase, 101 Ideas for a Quick and...
by RetroRuth | Jan 6, 2010 | Casserole, Main Dishes
Welcome to the first Mid-Century Menu of the year! I know you all have eagerly awaiting this moment, as Tom and I both have, to see if this will be a good meal or a bad one. See, I kinda figure this is like Groundhog’s Day for the Menu, if this Menu sees its...
by RetroRuth | Dec 30, 2009 | The BEST, The WORST
Ah! So many choices! With over 40 Mid-Century Menus to choose from, Tom and I had a tough time deciding what was the best and worst of this year. We couldn’t really come up with an overall best or an overall worst, so we came up with a couple of categories ...
by RetroRuth | Oct 14, 2009 | Main Dishes, Sandwiches & Pies
Hello, everyone! Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu. I am happy that all the regular readers have decided to come back for more, and for those of you who are just joining us this week, I can already answer the question that will be floating around in your...