by RetroRuth | Jun 1, 2011 | Contests
Holy Cow, am I excited about this one! It has been so long since our amazing, spine-tingling Worst Recipe Contest that I just cannot stand it another second. I must have another contest. I must see what recipes are lurking out there your cupboards and drawers. I...
by RetroRuth | May 4, 2011 | Beverages, Hello Jell-O
Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu, the feature on the blog where Tom and I make a recipe from our mid-century cookbooks and eat it for dinner. No matter how horrible it is. But this week we have one big difference in our post: no Tom! Now, I know most of you...
by RetroRuth | Mar 2, 2011 | Cookies & Bars, Desserts, Hello Jell-O
Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu! This week we are delving into an area we haven’t played in much in the Mid-Century Menu: Desserts. Not pies or cakes, but Jello-based desserts. Mostly the Jello here is filled with onions and celery, and hardly ever turns...
by RetroRuth | Jan 5, 2011 | Hello Jell-O, Salads, Side Dishes & Salads
Hooray!!!! This week’s installment of the Mid-Century Menu may be the easiest MCMenu ever. I am not kidding. My fabulous friend, Deb, didn’t just submit a fun recipe this week. Oh no. She MADE it for me and then the food was actually delivered to my house! How great...
by RetroRuth | Oct 27, 2010 | Appetizers, Hello Jell-O
Okay, this is finally it. I FINALLY made the last entry for the Worst Recipe Contest. Finally! This entry is from ModernSuzie, who I hope is still reading this blog after it took me so long to post her entry. But the long wait is over! We finally did it!!...