by RetroRuth | Jun 20, 2012 | Appetizers, Best & Worst, Contests, Hello Jell-O, The WORST
Congrats to Michelle, the third finalist for the Glistening and Jiggly Contest in the “Worst Gelatin” category! Michelle sent us this weird thing, which was both very exciting and very disgusting. This is Molded Sea-Food Salad. It is exciting for many reasons. One...
by RetroRuth | Jun 13, 2012 | Contests, Hello Jell-O, The WORST
Wow. I just…wow. That’s really all I have to say about the next finalist. In my opinion, this is really the epitome of a bad gelatin salad. Is it possible to have a perfect worst gelatin salad? Do you say it’s “perfectly terrible”? Or that is the “perfect food storm”?...
by RetroRuth | Jun 6, 2012 | Best & Worst, Contests, Hello Jell-O, The WORST
This is it! This is IT! It’s finally here. Out of over 50 submissions, I’ve tested 28 gelatins and Tom has tasted every single one. We took pictures, we made notes and we even fought about who the finalists were. So it has come down to this: Not only are we ready to...
by RetroRuth | May 23, 2012 | Contests, Hello Jell-O
Wow! Did you guys send me the stuff!! I can’t believe some of the recipes that came in for the gelatin contest. And, unbelievably, I’ve even made some weirder stuff this week than I did last week. The name of the game this week: “Things Aren’t What They Seem.” Tom’s...
by RetroRuth | May 16, 2012 | Contests, Hello Jell-O
Oh, Holy Cow! I am very, very excited about this contest. We got in about 50 entries (!) this time and competition is fierce! The entries have really been all over the map on this one. It has been so much fun so far that I just had to share some teaser pictures with...