by RetroRuth | Aug 10, 2011 | Contests, The WORST
Is… Wait for it… Wait for it… You’ve gotta enjoy the anticipation… After much tasting, testing, choking, writing, gagging, posting, planning, voting AND waiting, I am happy to announce that the winner of the “Let’s Sing A Tune To Tuna Contest” is… Tuna Pizza! And the...
by RetroRuth | Oct 27, 2010 | Appetizers, Hello Jell-O
Okay, this is finally it. I FINALLY made the last entry for the Worst Recipe Contest. Finally! This entry is from ModernSuzie, who I hope is still reading this blog after it took me so long to post her entry. But the long wait is over! We finally did it!!...
by RetroRuth | Apr 21, 2010 | Hot Dogs & Mystery Meats, Main Dishes
It’s Wednesday again, and time for this week’s Mid-Century Menu! This week Tom and I decided to have a little fun and dive back into a cookbook that we found absolutely hilarious. A victim of the “Western” phase, 101 Ideas for a Quick and...
by RetroRuth | Dec 30, 2009 | The BEST, The WORST
Ah! So many choices! With over 40 Mid-Century Menus to choose from, Tom and I had a tough time deciding what was the best and worst of this year. We couldn’t really come up with an overall best or an overall worst, so we came up with a couple of categories ...
by RetroRuth | Oct 28, 2009 | Fish, Main Dishes
Rice, rice, rice, rice! This week on the Mid-Century Menu, we dive into the field of rice recipes and rice preparation. The book on the left is 75 Glamorous Rice Dishes Economical, Too published by the Louisiana State Rice Milling Company, Inc., makers of Water-Maid...