by RetroRuth | Oct 21, 2009 | Beef, Main Dishes, Sandwiches & Pies
You know, even though the Mid-Century Menu is sometimes freaky, sometimes creepy, and sometimes downright disgusting, there are a lot of redeeming qualities to it as well. Hmmm…this description kinda reminds me of an ex-boyfriend. And like that ex-boyfriend,...
by RetroRuth | Oct 14, 2009 | Main Dishes, Sandwiches & Pies
Hello, everyone! Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu. I am happy that all the regular readers have decided to come back for more, and for those of you who are just joining us this week, I can already answer the question that will be floating around in your...
by RetroRuth | Sep 2, 2009 | Beef, Main Dishes
Hello everyone! Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu, where I pick a recipe from my vast array of vintage cookbooks and make it for dinner, forcing my husband to eat it no matter what. In all fairness, he is excited to eat the sometimes noxious concoctions,...
by RetroRuth | Apr 8, 2009 | Eggs, Main Dishes, The WORST
You know, I don’t consider myself to be the most orderly person. Or the most driven person. I have great ideas, but, like most people, a good majority of them never really pan out. But here it is, only three weeks into my Mid-Century Menu project, and I have...