by RetroRuth | Jun 7, 2019 | Appetizers, Cocktail Party, Easter, Eggs, Holiday
This week I thought I would post about the Deviled Eggs I made for Easter. And since these are from the Nancy Drew Cookbook, there is mystery meat involved. Because you can’t have Nancy Drew without a mystery. Here are Savory Deviled Eggs and Double Deviled Eggs! From...
by RetroRuth | Feb 10, 2016 | Appetizers, Cocktail Party, Holiday, Valentine's Day
This year for Valentine’s Day, I think you need to give your sweetie a big heart full of ham dip. This is Heart-and-Dart Dip! From Ten P.M. Cookbook, Good Housekeeping Magazine, 1958 [cooked-sharing] This recipe is from the ever-fabulous Ten P.M. Cookbook, which was...
by RetroRuth | Apr 9, 2014 | Appetizers
This week we are making something incredibly easy and meant to drink with RC Cola. This is Peanut ‘n’ Ham Spread! Peanut ‘n’ Ham Spread Author: RC Cola, 1952 “Enjoy RC with this smart party snack! It’s delightfully different and...