by RetroRuth | Mar 11, 2015 | Hello Jell-O, The WORST
Spring is almost here! And I immediately started thinking of all the gelatin things I am going to make this spring and summer. While sifting through the archives to remind myself of what we’ve made already, I came across this doozy of a recipe that originally posted...
by RetroRuth | Jun 19, 2013 | Best & Worst, Hello Jell-O, The WORST
Want to see something scary? Behold! Jellied cottage cheese and tomato sauce served over coleslaw! It looks…horrible. Like a melting monster face with a green pepper tongue. Appetizing, huh? This recipe was sent in by Rachel for our gelatin contest, and she was nice...
by RetroRuth | Oct 6, 2010 | Hello Jell-O, Salads, Vegetables
Whew! This post is ANOTHER entry from the Mid-Century Menu Worst Recipe Contest. It is the second to last one, and am I ever happy about that! You guys really came up with some doozies for us to choke down. This horrifying combo comes from Gabrielle, who writes: I...
by RetroRuth | Oct 14, 2009 | Main Dishes, Sandwiches & Pies
Hello, everyone! Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu. I am happy that all the regular readers have decided to come back for more, and for those of you who are just joining us this week, I can already answer the question that will be floating around in your...