
Welcome to this week’s Vintage Cocktail Friday! This week our cocktail is very…blue.

This is Parisian Blend Cocktail!


Tested Recipe!


 ¾ oz cream
 ¾ oz Jamaica rum
 ¾ oz curacao


Shake well with cracked ice.


 ¾ oz cream
 ¾ oz Jamaica rum
 ¾ oz curacao



Shake well with cracked ice.


Parisian Blend Cocktail

Now, I know there is a cocktail called a Parisian Blonde, soooo…I don’t know if this is the same cocktail and it was a typo, or if this is a variation. Either way, I didn’t have the exact ingredients so not only is the name a little off, but the cocktail is too.

But never fear, it only made it very blue. Also, I used Malibu for the rum, which I consider a good thing.

“I feel like I should be wearing a cloak while I drink this.”

“Ha! It does kind of look like that blue Tatooine milk!”

What you can’t see happening right now is TJ yelling, “Yum! Yum!”

“You are right, buddy. This is yummy.”

The Verdict: Yummy

So, the name is wrong and the ingredients are wrong, but who cares? It was delicious. It was sweet, but not too sweet, creamy, and had a good fruity flavor. Tom drank this one completely before I could get more than a sip. Later, after shopping, we made it the correct way and it was still really good. But Tom said he preferred the Malibu version in the end.
