
Hey gang! Can you believe that Vintage Cocktail Friday is already over a year old?  Where does the time go? This post is from July of 2012!  Anyway, I was checking out the cocktails we have tried in the past (for research purposes, of course) and came across this fun cocktail, which Tom promptly made again last night. So I thought I would share it with you so that you can make it tonight, too!

Hooray for Vintage Cocktail Friday! It means that another week is (thankfully) almost over and it is time for the glorious weekend. It also means that Tom finally had an excuse to mix and drink some cocktails.


This week we have the Maple Leaf, which is out of The Host’s Handbook from 1940.

Maple Leaf
Author: The Host’s Handbook, 1940
  • 1 jigger Bourbon Whiskey
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  1. Shake well and serve.


According to The Host’s Handbook, this is a popular drink in New Orleans. I have no idea if that is true or not, but it is interesting.



“I hope this is good. I deserve a good one this week.”



“Does it make you feel like you are in New Orleans?”

“Not really. But it is still good.”

The Verdict: Good!

From the Tasting Notes:

Surprisingly good. The maple syrup really balances well with the bourbon. When you take a sip, the sweetness of the maple syrup is out in front, followed by the lemon and then the bourbon. Not much (if any) maple flavor, but you can tell that it is there!
