
Welcome back to the blog, and welcome to 2021. In true 2021 spirit, I didn’t make anything this week. But don’t worry. Thanks to reader Jessica, we still have a post!

This is Jessica’s Frosted Chicken Loaf!


From Knudsen Dairy

Tested Recipe!


 1 4-5 pound chicken, cut up
 1 cup soft bread crumbs
 ¾ cup cottage cheese
 2 eggs, beaten
  tsp rosemary
 1 pinch marjoram
 Salt & Pepper
 A few grains of nutmeg
 2 stalks of celery, minced
 1 cup sour cream
 2 tbsp chicken stock
 2 cups seasoned mashed potatoes


Cooking chicken in boiling, salted water until tender, or pressure cook. Remove meat from bones and cut up. Or use leftover chicken


Combine chicken with remaining ingredients, except mashed potatoes; toss lightly. Pour into greased loaf pan. Bake in a pan of hot water in moderate oven (350 degrees) 50 minutes - until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Unmold.


Carefully spread mashed potatoes over top and sides of the loaf to make a half-inch potato frosting. Score with a fork to make a swirly design. Place under broiler just long enough to brown delicately. Serve with a border of peas or other green, cooked vegetables.


 1 4-5 pound chicken, cut up
 1 cup soft bread crumbs
 ¾ cup cottage cheese
 2 eggs, beaten
  tsp rosemary
 1 pinch marjoram
 Salt & Pepper
 A few grains of nutmeg
 2 stalks of celery, minced
 1 cup sour cream
 2 tbsp chicken stock
 2 cups seasoned mashed potatoes



Cooking chicken in boiling, salted water until tender, or pressure cook. Remove meat from bones and cut up. Or use leftover chicken


Combine chicken with remaining ingredients, except mashed potatoes; toss lightly. Pour into greased loaf pan. Bake in a pan of hot water in moderate oven (350 degrees) 50 minutes - until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Unmold.


Carefully spread mashed potatoes over top and sides of the loaf to make a half-inch potato frosting. Score with a fork to make a swirly design. Place under broiler just long enough to brown delicately. Serve with a border of peas or other green, cooked vegetables.


Frosted Chicken Loaf

I’m just going to let Jessica narrate this one. And then maybe I’ll take a nap or something.

Jessica writes:

I found myself cleaning my pantry and freezer this week, clearing out some of the pandemic over-stocking I had done back in the spring. Among the items I decided to use up was a frozen package of chicken parts and a package of instant mashed potatoes. It occurred to me that I’d just seen a recipe that would work, and so here’s my take on the frosted chicken loaf.

I added a little extra marjoram and rosemary, and also some fresh thyme.  All was looking pretty good.

This is when I remembered that I don’t like cottage cheese, and also that there’s an ungodly amount of dairy in this meatloaf.

Oh well.

Happily baking in its water bath.  The pan wasn’t as full as I expected, but it was plenty.

It made an indescribable sound on the way out of the pan, but it did hold together nicely.

I’m no artist, or cake decorator, so I was just happy that the potatoes were on the loaf.

I probably should have left it in longer, but my broiler tends to smoke and I didn’t want to send all of my neighbors out into the cold for the sake of a browned chicken loaf.

The Verdict: Good

From Jessica’s Tasting Notes – 

This was good. It tastes like chicken with stuffing and potatoes, all in one bite.  I thought it was going to need gravy, but I think all the dairy in there kept it moist.  There’s no distinct taste from all of the dairy either – definitely my preference.  Gravy wouldn’t hurt, of course, and I had my piece with some of the fresh cranberry sauce I’d just made for Thanksgiving.  It would be a good place for holiday leftovers.
