
This week we are getting fancy with unusual vegetables! I present to you:


Creamed Kohlrabi!

This recipe is from Amy Vanderbilt’s Complete Cookbook from 1961 which, because it is so chichi, was illustrated by none other than Andy Warhol.

I looked up a few variations of creamed kohlrabi, which seems to be the only thing anyone used to do with it besides eating it raw, before I decided on using the Vanderbilt method. They all called for white sauce, but the one from Complete Cookbook called for well-seasoned cream sauce. See? Much fancier.

Creamed Kohlrabi
Author: Amy Vanderbilt’s Complete Cookbook, 1961
  • 6-8 small kohlrabi
  • 2 T butter
  • 2 T flour
  • 1 cup of whole milk, light cream or whole evaporated milk
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • Additional spices of your choice, including celery salt, garlic salt, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce
  1. Pare and dice kohlrabi or cut into thin strips.
  2. Cook covered in small amount of salted boiling water for 20-30 mins or until tender (*Note: Mine only took 10 mins!). Drain.
  3. Meanwhile, make well-seasoned cream sauce and dress drained, cooked kohlrabi.



Now, if for some reason, you are not familiar with kohlrabi (like I was before I met Tom!), I decided to include a picture of the fresh kohlrabi before I started slicing and dicing. To me they look sort of like sputniks, which makes them even more appropriate for mid-century food!


Tom originally introduced me to this veggie a few years ago. He grew up eating fresh sliced, salted kohlrabi from his parents’ garden, and he was very excited to share the experience with me.

I expected it to be unpleasant, like eating celery, which I hate, but I actually kind of like kohlrabi. A small one has a texture sort of like an apple (they get a woody texture as they get bigger) and tastes spicy and faintly like a rutabaga.


Every year Tom buys a bag of these suckers at the farmer’s market because they don’t sell them individually, and we end up throwing a few out at the end of the week because a person can only eat so much raw kohlrabi. So when he plopped down a bag of these in front of me on Saturday morning, I decided to peel up about half of them and give them the ole mid-century treatment.

Which, if you know anything about mid-century cooking, means you boil it, throw a bunch of white sauce on it and call it a day.

Tom TastesIMG_3216

“This is interesting”


“It tastes like you boiled all the flavor out of a kohlrabi.”

The Verdict: Tastes Like Boiled Kohlrabi

From The Tasting Notes:

This basically tastes like someone boiled all the flavor out of kohlrabi and then tried to put fake flavor back in it with cream sauce. Maybe it would have tasted better if I would have steamed the kohlrabi, but honestly if you like the taste of kohlrabi and you are going to go out of your way to find it and buy it, you might as well just eat it raw with salt!
