
Happy Friday!

Just wanted to do a little bit of shameless self-promotion.  I just finished an article on church cookbooks for Faith & Leadership, and if you would like to check it out you can head over to their website. It’s not often that I can go on and on about how awesome recipes are outside of this blog, so I was really thrilled to write the article and flattered that they even asked me!

Heavenly Hash001

One bonus of writing the article was digging through my church cookbooks for example recipes.  I drew heavily from one of my favorite books, From Ridgewood Kitchens, which was published in 1945 by the West Side Presbyterian Church in Ridgewood, New Jersey.  I LOVE this book because not only are all the recipes handwritten, but most of them are illustrated as well. The work of these talented ladies is really something!

Cardinal Salad001

Hope you enjoy the article!
