by RetroRuth | Dec 24, 2016 | Christmas, Holiday, Sandwiches & Pies
Since we are having some fun, festive snacks for Christmas Eve, I thought I would re-run this sandwich with the hopes that this will spark some Christmas memories out there for some reader. Tell us, is this Christmas Eve food? I’m guessing it was, but I would...
by RetroRuth | Sep 7, 2016 | Best & Worst, Breakfast, The BEST
I pulled this week’s recipe from the archives because ’tis the season for yummy fruit here (blackberries, last of the peaches, start of the apples, pears and so on) and pretty much all fruit tastes amazing when served on these waffles. Make sure to smother...
by RetroRuth | Aug 24, 2016 | Pasta, Salads, Side Dishes & Salads
If you have ever wanted to turn a Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner into a summer salad, then this is the recipe for you! This is Swingin’ Summer Salad! From Kraft TV recipes mailer, 1971 [cooked-sharing] This lovely salad comes from a Kraft TV recipe mailer from...
by RetroRuth | Apr 20, 2016 | Sandwiches & Pies, The WORST
While going through the archives, I ran across this creation from May 2012. I thought it was so hilarious that I decided to share it again. Enjoy! Here is the insanity that is Spaghetti Subs! Just in case you were wondering if you were seeing things, never fear....
by RetroRuth | Mar 2, 2016 | Breakfast, Main Dishes
It’s time for pancakes! And since Alex asked really nicely, this week we are going to have a pancake party. These are Party Pancakes! From A News Style Show of Wonderful Eating, Pancakes "Unlimited", Aunt Jemima, 1959 [cooked-sharing] Or maybe I should have named this...
by RetroRuth | Jan 11, 2016 | Sandwiches & Pies
Who is in the mood for some turquoise sandwiches? This lovely loaf was made by reader Genevieve for a recent party. She was kind enough to share the pictures so I could bask in this loaf’s perfection. Since I have a soft spot for a good party loaf, I thought I would...