by RetroRuth | Mar 28, 2012 | Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts, Lamb Cakes & Frostings
It’s Lamb Cake time!!! For the last two weeks I have been baking lamb cake after lamb cake in my grandmother’s vintage lamb cake pan. Why? Well, after this story came out in the Wall Street Journal, a ton of wonderful people emailed and snail-mailed me vintage recipes...
by RetroRuth | Dec 21, 2011 | Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts, Pork
Well. So. Yeah. This is a little awkward. I suppose I should clear the air. Just confess what I’ve done wrong so we can acknowledge what I’ve done, you can forgive me, and we can move past it. I’ll do it fast, like ripping off a Band-aid. Okay? Okay. Ready? *Deep...
by RetroRuth | Nov 30, 2011 | Beef, Best & Worst, Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts, Main Dishes, The BEST
Are you exhausted from Thanksgiving, Readers?? I know I am! S,o here is a classic Mid-Century feast from our archives. This post originally ran on March 24, 2010, but features an amazing Cranberry Mayonnaise Cake that Tom and I loved and ate right down to the last...
by RetroRuth | Nov 16, 2011 | Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts
So, you have to tell me the truth. Does this piece of cake: Look like it has sauerkraut in it? Does it? Well, it DOES because this week we have Sauerkraut Chocolate Cake from Recipes from the Tower Kitchen! Since 1933, when Tower Kitchen opened atop the Free...
by RetroRuth | Oct 12, 2011 | Best & Worst, Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts, The BEST
Okay, okay. I know. Apple cider AND desserts two weeks in a row. It’s unheard of here on the Mid-Century Menu, where everything is supposed to be scary all the time. But, it’s Apple Month, so I couldn’t help myself! I was so disappointed with the lack of...
by RetroRuth | Jun 15, 2011 | Cake & Cupcakes, The BEST
All Hail the Tunnel of Fudge Cake! Not only does this amazing cake have a hilarious name (snicker) and an impeccable Mid-Century pedigree (it was a runner-up in the famous 1966 Pillsbury Bake-Off) but the darn thing is magic. It is the original cake that makes its...