
Maple Leaf, 1940 – Vintage Cocktail Friday

Hooray for Vintage Cocktail Friday! It means that another week is (thankfully) almost over and it is time for the glorious weekend. It also means that Tom finally had an excuse to mix and drink some cocktails. This week we have the Maple Leaf, which is out of The...
Grape Milk Shake – A Retro Recipe Test

Grape Milk Shake – A Retro Recipe Test

Whew. Tom and I are exhausted. We just got back from a 5-night trip to Las Vegas and wow, it was ever crazy. Yep, crazy. Non-stop debauchery. 24 hours a day. Yep. Yeppity-yeppity-yep. Okay, so…most of that was a lie.   I have to say we aren’t a very exciting...

Spiced Lemonade – A Retro Recipe Test

Guess what I got in the mail?!?!? That’s right! Lemons! Sara in AZ, my fellow writer from No Pattern Required, recently sent me an enormous box of the biggest lemons I have ever seen in my life. And we all know what to do when life (or Sara) gives us lemons, don’t we?...