
This week it was decided to make a dessert that was pretty much sugar, blueberries and butter. And I am just fine with that.

This is Blueberry Delight!


From Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers, Dessert Edition, 1963

Tested Recipe!


 1 sleeve of graham crackers
 2 cups powdered sugar
 1 cup butter
 ½ tsp vanilla
 1 can blueberry pie filling
 1 cup Dream Whip or Cool Whip


Crumb the graham crackers, line a 9x9 pan with wax paper. Sift graham crackers evenly on the wax paper. Thoroughly blend powdered sugar and butter, acid vanilla. Press sugar and butter evenly on top of the crumbs in the pan. Spread blueberry pie mix over the sugar mixture. Top with I cup prepared whip mix, sprinkle a few crumbs on top. Chill about 2 hours. Cherry pie mix and whipping cream may be substituted.


 1 sleeve of graham crackers
 2 cups powdered sugar
 1 cup butter
 ½ tsp vanilla
 1 can blueberry pie filling
 1 cup Dream Whip or Cool Whip



Crumb the graham crackers, line a 9x9 pan with wax paper. Sift graham crackers evenly on the wax paper. Thoroughly blend powdered sugar and butter, acid vanilla. Press sugar and butter evenly on top of the crumbs in the pan. Spread blueberry pie mix over the sugar mixture. Top with I cup prepared whip mix, sprinkle a few crumbs on top. Chill about 2 hours. Cherry pie mix and whipping cream may be substituted.


Blueberry Delight

This is the first recipe that was voted on by my Patreon group!  I mean, I only received one vote, but still!!!  If you want to nominate or vote on the recipes that I feed Tom, be sure to check out my Patreon!  Even if you just want to throw a little something in the pot every month, it would be very appreciated! I have gone ad-free on the blog to get rid of annoying ad noise and the pop-ups I had been getting so many, many complaints about. And I am adding more perks soon, like a weekly themed recipe history email (starting in July) and read-only access to my entire cookbook library in PDF (coming in June) and hopefully some mail opening videos featuring my cookbook hauls! So if you enjoy the site, please consider contributing to Patreon or buying merch from the shop. It is now my mission to figure out how to fund this site so it can keep going!

Anyway, this recipe is from one of my favorite cookbook series, Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers, which you can still purchase on Amazon. There are several large volumes packed with recipes, most really good and some totally insane fun, submitted by Home Economics Teachers from all over the country.

This little gem was in the “Jiffy Dessert” section. And I was intrigued by the frosting “crust”. And so was the one voter from Patreon.

The technique here was just (with great difficulty) spread frosting over a loose layer of graham cracker crumbs and hope that it would make some sort of crust.

I tried to get fancy with the Dream Whip, but a cup of Dream Whip is not that much. I only got about half coverage when piped on, so I just gave up and spread it out.

Which also didn’t give great coverage. Alex added the sprinkles to try and distract people.

Then another covering of graham cracker crumbs. This was after chilling in the fridge overnight and pulling it out of the pan by the waxed paper. It did come out in one piece, which was a win.

“Is this just a pile of goo?”

“Pretty much. I mean, there’s graham crackers.”

“So, it’s good?”

“No. It’s great. Put down the camera and back away from me. I’m going to eat all of this and make myself sick.”

The Verdict: Great

A fluffy, soft dessert that you don’t have to chew much. The bottom unbelievably actually did create some type of crust, but many of the crumbs just fell off of the bar when I tried to cut them. You would be much better off using half of the crumbs on the bottom and the other half on top to cover up the fact that you don’t have enough whipped topping for the top. This was very, very sweet. Honestly, with it all together I really couldn’t taste the blueberries much. It mostly just tasted like frosting, so you could probably use anything as the center layer. The frosting layer was chewy after chilling a few hours and letting the butter solidify, so if you want to eat the dessert while it is still truly just a pile of frosting goo and pie filling, layer it in dessert cups and eat it right after it is finished.
