

Rosy Tuna Ring – A Mid-Century Recipe Test

Rosy Tuna Ring – A Mid-Century Recipe Test

Guess what??? It’s another tuna recipe!!! Are you excited? Are you pumped? Are you retching with glee??? Well…maybe you are just retching. Going over all these pictures, I am getting a little gaggy myself. Anyway, this is another submission for our recent contest,...

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Tuna Upside Down Bake – Contest Finalist #4

Tuna Upside Down Bake – Contest Finalist #4

Well, it’s been a long and fishy road (literally) for our “Let’s Sing A Tune To Tuna” contest. We have tried every recipe, eaten some with gusto, choked down some others and decided which was the best and which was the worst.  But with this last finalist for our worst...

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Tuna Molded Vegetable Salad

Tuna Molded Vegetable Salad

I can’t believe it. Tom and I are almost completely finished testing tuna recipes, our fridge is full of moldy, in-edible tuna leftovers and this is the third finalist in our “Let’s Sing A Tune To Tuna Contest”! Wow. Time really does fly when you are having fun!...

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Tuna Pizza – Tuna Contest Finalist #2

Tuna Pizza – Tuna Contest Finalist #2

There is a first time for everything, even here on the Mid-Century Menu! And this post has the honor of containing two firsts: The first time we have had the same exact same entry from two contestants AND the first time we have featured this: Yes! *Enthusiastic head...

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