

Grape Milk Shake – A Retro Recipe Test

Grape Milk Shake – A Retro Recipe Test

Whew. Tom and I are exhausted. We just got back from a 5-night trip to Las Vegas and wow, it was ever crazy. Yep, crazy. Non-stop debauchery. 24 hours a day. Yep. Yeppity-yeppity-yep. Okay, so…most of that was a lie.   I have to say we aren’t a very exciting...

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Spiced Lemonade – A Retro Recipe Test

Guess what I got in the mail?!?!? That’s right! Lemons! Sara in AZ, my fellow writer from No Pattern Required, recently sent me an enormous box of the biggest lemons I have ever seen in my life. And we all know what to do when life (or Sara) gives us lemons, don’t we?...

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Mid-Century Menu In The Wall Street Journal

I was in The Wall Street Journal today with a mention of The Mid-Century Menu and some pictures of my annual Easter Lamb Cake! I am at the end of the awesome article Playing Kitchen Detective: Home Cooks Try to Recreate Family Recipes. My annual quest for the perfect...

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Cocoa Creamy Rice – A Mid-Century Recipe Test

Well, we have another dessert on the Mid-Century recipe this week because, well…I didn’t feel like making anything gross. So, you can imagine how upset I was when Tom requested rice pudding. Okay, okay. You can stop yelling. I get it. You love rice pudding. I,...

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Fondue Au Fromage – A Mid-Century Recipe Test

This is Fondue Au Fromage. It looks like a plate of fried cheese, but don’t be fooled. It is comprised mostly of soup and eggs. If you have been following the blog at all these last few weeks, you will know by now that Tom and I foolishly decided to cook from a Lipton...

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