

Flapjack Cocktail

Flapjack Cocktail

So, since schools here in Michigan are closed for the rest of this school year, let’s drink. This is Flapjack Cocktail! So, since this has been a heck of a day, we decided to get crazy and use maple syrup instead of just simple syrup. Simple syrup is basically sugar...

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Floridian Cocktail

Floridian Cocktail

Since no one is going to Florida for spring break, let’s make a cocktail and pretend. This is a Floridian Cocktail! Trying really, really hard to stay positive in all this. The thing that is mostly keeping us going is that the kids are...

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Current Blog Plans And The Virus

Current Blog Plans And The Virus

Well, hello there. Guess what? Michigan is basically closed due to COVID-19. I’m not complaining, I’m just stating facts. More facts: The kids have no school for 3 weeks, and Tom will be working from home. Also not complaining about that. But this is going to have an...

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Lamb Cake Shirts, Patreon, And Other Fun News!

Lamb Cake Shirts, Patreon, And Other Fun News!

Who is ready for some lamb cake shirts???? I know what your thinking. “Ruth, that’s just not edgy enough for us. We are your mid-century menu soldiers! We deserve something really amazing!”   Well then. How about a smoking lamb cake mug?   Or a gelatin mold...

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Pickle Beer And Happy New Year!

Pickle Beer And Happy New Year!

I know it is the middle of January, but Happy 2020 everyone! I hope that you all have a happy and healthy year ahead of you. This year the blog is finally going to be getting its redesign I have been promising, turning it into a blog AND a vintage recipe archive....

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