
This week we are baking bananas and basting them in “juice”.


Beer-filled juice.


From Parties In Motion

Tested Recipe!


 12 large, firm yellow bananas
 1 cup beer
 6 oz undiluted orange juice concentrate
 ¼ cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
 ½ cup chopped macadamia nuts
 Grated rind of 1 large orange


Peel bananas and cut in half. Arrange in a shallow pan. Mix beer, orange juice concentrate, and brown sugar. Pour evenly over bananas. Sprinkle with nuts and orange rind. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until hot. Serve warm, with some of the juice spooned over each serving.
Yield: 12 servings


 12 large, firm yellow bananas
 1 cup beer
 6 oz undiluted orange juice concentrate
 ¼ cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
 ½ cup chopped macadamia nuts
 Grated rind of 1 large orange



Peel bananas and cut in half. Arrange in a shallow pan. Mix beer, orange juice concentrate, and brown sugar. Pour evenly over bananas. Sprinkle with nuts and orange rind. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until hot. Serve warm, with some of the juice spooned over each serving.
Yield: 12 servings


Beer Baked Bananas

So, not too much to this recipe, but yet I was very excited to see the result. Would we end up with a delicious banana dessert confection or just banana trash?


Yep. That looks pretty “juice”-filled to me.


“Those do NOT smell good.”

“I kind of like the smell.”

“They smell like the floor after a party.”

“Okay, maybe not.”


“These are kind of soupy.”

“It’s not soup, it’s “juice.”

“Okay, that’s not appealing.”

“I see what you did there. Just eat the bananas.”


“These are pretty good. They mostly just taste like beer.”

“That would be the juice.”

The Verdict: Beer

From The Tasting Notes –

I really don’t think these had their full potential unlocked. They went into the oven “juicy”, and they came out “juicy”. The “juice”just tasted like beer. It was suggested, and I think it was a really good idea, that these might not be the best in the oven. I think a better idea would be if you could cook the sauce first on the stovetop and reduce/caramelize it a little, then throw the bananas in and finish it on the stove. Sort of a bananas foster-ish deal, but with beer. And not so much fire. That being said, they were not inedible. I don’t know if you could call them “delicious”, but they were…something. They tasted very malty and a little sour, even with all of the sugar. The people who liked beer liked them, and the people who were not big beer fans were also not big fans of these. I think from that you can kind of figure out if these would be a good fit for you.
