
So, if you haven’t seen it by now, The Mid-Century Menu is having another contest! This time, we are doing a fun theme, “Let’s Sing A Tune to Tuna”, which promises to be both wonderful and eerily-awful based on the submissions I have gotten thus far. Tom and I totally have our work cut out for us on this one.  We have gotten some great ones, and some not so great ones.  It’s truly fantastic!

The deadline for entries is June 15th, so you have another week to send me your most treasured tuna recipes. You can email them to me at ruth@midcenturymenu.com.



In the meantime, to get us all really, really excited for this nonsense, I decided to do a Tuna-Stravaganza post and incorporate ALL of the previous tuna dishes that we have made here at the Mid-Century Menu into one tuna post. But, since I didn’t want to just post a bunch of links to all of our tuna dishes, I decided to do something a little crazy, and make a hilarious video for you all to enjoy!

Hope you love the video, and be sure to send me your vintage tuna recipes by June 15th!
