
Happy Wednesday!  I hope that your holiday weekends were all fantastic.  Mine…was wet. Very wet.  Tom and I drove to see my parents and drop off little Clark (one of the last of the foster kittens) with them, and afterwards did some camping in the UP.  Ugh.  I should say, got rained on in a tent in the UP. Good lord, the weather sucked.  In any case, since we were going to be gone over the time I usually make the MCMenu, I decided I was going to have to make something portable for this week.  And I choose: Cupcakes!

Of course, these cupcakes couldn’t be “normal” cupcakes, because it is the Mid-Century Menu, and everything on here is a little crazy, so I picked the cupcakes that were a little crazy as well. Mince Meat Cupcakes from the None Such Mince Meat Recipes For Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, to be exact.  You may remember this fun book from the Mince Meat Ham Loaf, which could only be choked down with ketchup.  I was hoping these cupcakes would at least be marginally better! Because ketchup has never improved the taste of a cupcake. Never.

Not too bad, right?  At least they look pretty cute.  And I like that tablecloth.

I decided to use a cake mix because…well…it was cheaper. And easier.

Thank goodness for a simple recipe!  These went together really quickly, and I was happy because I was frantically trying to remember all the stuff that I might  possibly need for the UP.  Like bug-spray. And bear-spray.

Tom, in the middle of driving 10 hours, posing with a baked cupcake. They actually smelled kind of good.

“So, how is it?”

“Pretty good.  It tastes like a white cupcake with raisins in it.”

I took a bite, and it tasted pretty much just like that.  It would have been better in a spice cupcake, I think, but it was still good.

The Verdict: Good.  Maybe use a spice cake mix or make a spice cake instead, but otherwise not too bad.  If you like mince meat, of course.  

Don’t forget to enter the Mid-Century Menu worst recipe contest!!!!  You have until July 15th to email us your recipe submission!
