
Hello! This week we are going to pour a bunch of 7-Up into baked beans. Because why not?

These are 7-Up Baked Beans!


7-Up Baked Beans - You're Really Cooking When Your Cooking With 7-Up 1957


 1 pound dry navy beans
 14 oz 7-Up
 29 oz canned tomatoes
 6 slices bacon cut into small pieces
 2 tsp salt
 ½ tsp pepper
 1 medium onion, diced
 ½ green pepper, diced
 2 stalks celery, diced
 8 oz tomato sauce
 ½ cup molasses
  cup brown sugar
 ½ cup catsup
 1 tbsp prepared mustard
 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
 2 tsp vinegar
 2 oz canned mushroom pieces


Wash beans and soak overnight in water.


Next morning, drain water; add 7-Up, tomatoes, bacon, salt, pepper, cover and simmer 1 hour.


Add onion, green pepper, celery, tomato sauce, molasses, sugar, ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, cover, and simmer another hour.


Add mushrooms and turn them into a baking dish. Bake covered in slow oven (250 degrees) for 3 to 4 hours.


Remove cover and bake 1 hour longer. (Mine ended up taking two additional hours.)


 1 pound dry navy beans
 14 oz 7-Up
 29 oz canned tomatoes
 6 slices bacon cut into small pieces
 2 tsp salt
 ½ tsp pepper
 1 medium onion, diced
 ½ green pepper, diced
 2 stalks celery, diced
 8 oz tomato sauce
 ½ cup molasses
  cup brown sugar
 ½ cup catsup
 1 tbsp prepared mustard
 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
 2 tsp vinegar
 2 oz canned mushroom pieces



Wash beans and soak overnight in water.


Next morning, drain water; add 7-Up, tomatoes, bacon, salt, pepper, cover and simmer 1 hour.


Add onion, green pepper, celery, tomato sauce, molasses, sugar, ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, cover, and simmer another hour.


Add mushrooms and turn them into a baking dish. Bake covered in slow oven (250 degrees) for 3 to 4 hours.


Remove cover and bake 1 hour longer. (Mine ended up taking two additional hours.)


7-Up Baked Beans

This was another recipe chosen by Patreon patrons! There was a tie in the poll from a few weeks ago, between this and the Avocado Bread. So, I did the only thing that I could do, which was to make both of them.

Also, I wanted to buy mini cans of 7-Up.

Which segues well into my most exciting discovery from this recipe: The mini cans that soda comes in now are almost the same size as soda bottles used to be! Which I think is really interesting. And hopefully will be part of a trend towards scaling back sweets in general. Because honestly, I’ve never wanted more than 7 oz of any kind of soda.

Now beer, on the other hand…

I just thought this looked like the ketchup was erupting out of the pot of beans like a volcano. And yes, I have been spending a lot of time in my house lately, why do you ask?

Side note: I didn’t use my instant pot or slow cooker with these because I wanted to make sure they would turn out as close to the original as I could get. But if you make these, please use an instant pot or slow cooker if you can. Because these ended up cooking FOREVER. About two hours longer than the recipe suggested.

But they ended up smelling very good, which is almost always a good sign.

“Say something! How are they?”

“The mushrooms are a weird addition.”

“I know. So, are they bad?’

“No, they aren’t bad. They’re….different.”

The Verdict: Different

From The Tasting Notes –Ā 

These were fine overall. They weren’t too sweet, which I totally thought would be a possibility, and they had a good, if not confusing, flavor. I’m really not sure if adding the 7up really did anything at all, honestly. I mean, molasses is one of those scorch everything else off your taste buds flavors. So these tasted like tomato and sweet and molasses. Maybe the 7up had a part in the sweet, but if so that was the least offensive part of these beans. In fact, they were less sweet than normal baked beans. The most offensive thing was the mushrooms. And that wasn’t bad enough to be a dealbreaker.

And we still can’t agree what they taste like. Alex says spaghetti sauce, I think chili, Tom still doesn’t know and TJ flat out refused to eat them. So the best way we can describe them are like baked beans, but different. Kind of like barbecue beans, but with more depth of flavor. So, if you have some dried beans in your hoard and some 7up, this wouldn’t be the worst thing you could do with them.
