
This week we are going to make a super-easy recipe because other things in life are really hard right now.

These are Pineapple Puffs!



 1 cup drained crushed pineapple
 32 large marshmallows, cut very small
 1 cup whipped cream
 1 ½ cups walnuts, cut very small
 Toasted coconut


Mix pineapple and marshmallows. Let stand at least one hour.


Fold in whipped cream and 1 1/4 cups nuts. Chill this mixture overnight.


The next day, shape into balls (I used a cookie scoop) and roll in reserved nuts or toasted coconut. Keep chilled until serving time.


These cookies may be rolled in toasted coconut or in red or green sugar or colored coconut for the holidays.


 1 cup drained crushed pineapple
 32 large marshmallows, cut very small
 1 cup whipped cream
 1 ½ cups walnuts, cut very small
 Toasted coconut



Mix pineapple and marshmallows. Let stand at least one hour.


Fold in whipped cream and 1 1/4 cups nuts. Chill this mixture overnight.


The next day, shape into balls (I used a cookie scoop) and roll in reserved nuts or toasted coconut. Keep chilled until serving time.


These cookies may be rolled in toasted coconut or in red or green sugar or colored coconut for the holidays.


Pineapple Nut Puffs

Now, this recipe was once again chosen by the lovely Patrons from our Patreon. And most of them chose it for the same reason I put it up in the poll to begin with, which was to figure out if this mixture can actually form balls that are sturdy enough to be rolled in nuts.

So let’s find out.

Since there are so few ingredients AND instructions in this recipe, my immediate thought was that they needed to be measured well and they needed to be exactly the right texture so the mixture can hold it’s shape. The problem was that I didn’t know what that texture needed to be. Common sense tells me all the chunks of stuff need to be on the small side.

So, I ended up using miniature marshmallows, which is what I had on hand. I figured the kind of marshmallow didn’t matter, just their size. I ran my knife through them a couple of times, but some of them were still left whole. After mixing them with the pineapple, I became concerned that the marshmallows that didn’t get the chop would remain whole and not really mix in with the rest of the…goo.

So I took a little more time chopping the walnuts fine. Now, this is totally ridiculous, because nuts aren’t going to dissolve at all.

But it strangely made me feel like I was fixing the problem, so let’s just go with it.

Here are the two toppings, chopped walnuts and toasted coconut.

(Which I “toasted” in the microwave, by the way, and it actually worked!)

I used a cookie scoop on the overnight goo. And yes, it did hold together. It wasn’t solid at all, but it was good enough to sort of roll it into a ball. Especially if you plop the scoop of goo straight onto the stuff you are going to use to cover the outside.

Here is a scoop from a larger cookie scoop, and you can kind of see the…strange texture.  It was very light and puffy and honestly kind of fuzzy looking? Furry maybe? But it held together in the end, so that shows me.

There. I’ve made myself fuzzy balls.

Have you been waiting this whole time for a joke like that?  Because I’ve been working up to it for about 4 paragraphs now.

Anyway, let’s make Tom eat these!

“These taste like nothing.”

The Verdict: Nothing

From The Tasting Notes –

Overall, these taste like melted marshmallow and air. That was about it. The flavor and sweetness was incredibly mild. The nut ones were not as good as the toasted coconut ones, because the coconut actually made them taste like something. But they were light and fluffy and were just like a bit of sweet…air? They were very light, so the puff in their name is definitely there. Tom and I both feel like these needed lots more pineapple, and I was thinking that cream cheese would go well with these, too. Also, I used unsweetened whipped cream, but I bet Cool Whip would be way better.

Side note: My fears about the marshmallows came true, and wasn’t at all fixed by finely chopping the walnuts. The chopped marshmallow bits just seemed to melt and combine with the other goo, but the marshmallows that I did not chop just stayed whole. So chop those marshmallows to bits if you are going to make this.

But if you want something easy to make that tastes light and airy, and like straight melted marshmallow, these will work!
