
From Midland Daily News - Rhubarb shortcake is Andy Williams’ favorite

Of all the wonderful foods prepared by 80-year-old Florence Williams, Andy Williams’ mother, his favorite recipe is rhubarb shortcake. Mrs. Williams says that Andy has loved this cake from the time he was a little boy in Wall Lake, Iowa, and that it was always among the secrets she prepared to top a holiday dinner.

Even though she always uses fresh rhubarb, Mirs. Williams says that this recipe can be prepared with frozen rhubarb if the fresh is not available in the market. This year again, at the family Christmas dinner, rhubarb shortcake, topped with heavy cream, will be enjoyed by the Williams family. (The entire Williams clan also gathers together for “The Andy Williams Christmas special” on NBC-TV (Channel 5) at 9:00 pm Thursday).
Florence Williams has never used packaged mixes. Everything she prepared is done from scratch. Even though Mrs. Williams has not lived in Wall Lake for a long time, her style of cooking never changed.

Mom Williams Rhubarb Shortcake


 3 cups strawberry rhubarb
 1 package granulated brown sugar
 1 cup white sugar
 ¼ cup butter
 1 egg
 2 cups flour
 2 tsp baking powder
 1 cup milk

Cut strawberry rhubarb into 1-inch (or more) thick pieces and place into two wide break pans. Divide granulated brown sugar between the 2 pans (use a knife to get the sugar down between the rhubarb pieces).


For cake batter, cream white sugar and butter. Add egg and mix.


Alternate flour and baking powder. Add milk.


Divide batter and pour over rhubarb in the two pans. Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour at 350° (test with a toothpick to see if done). Go around edge of pan with a knife and invert on a cookie sheet while still hot. Cut and serve with fresh cream poured over the top.


 3 cups strawberry rhubarb
 1 package granulated brown sugar
 1 cup white sugar
 ¼ cup butter
 1 egg
 2 cups flour
 2 tsp baking powder
 1 cup milk



Cut strawberry rhubarb into 1-inch (or more) thick pieces and place into two wide break pans. Divide granulated brown sugar between the 2 pans (use a knife to get the sugar down between the rhubarb pieces).


For cake batter, cream white sugar and butter. Add egg and mix.


Alternate flour and baking powder. Add milk.


Divide batter and pour over rhubarb in the two pans. Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour at 350° (test with a toothpick to see if done). Go around edge of pan with a knife and invert on a cookie sheet while still hot. Cut and serve with fresh cream poured over the top.


Andy Williams Rhubarb Shortcake
