
This was a serious week at our house. We spent a lot of it discussing what we are going to do about our school situation. So after all that mental effort, I decided we all needed some fluff.

This is Cherry Marshmallow Fluff!


Cherry Marshmallow Fluff - From Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers, Dessert Edition, 1963

Tested Recipe!


 1 cup uncooked oats, quick or old-fashioned
 1 cup brown sugar
 ½ cup melted butter
 1 pound 14 oz can pitted, dark sweet cherries
 1 small package cherry flavored gelatin
 2 cups miniature marshmallows
 1 cup chopped nut meats
 1 pt whipping cream


For the base, thoroughly mix all ingredients. Pat into the bottom of a 9x13 pan and chill.


Drain cherries, reserving 1 1/2 cups cherry juice. Heat cherry juice, add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Place in refrigerator until partially set. Mix drained cherries, marshmallows, and nutmeats, let stand while gelatin is setting. Beat gelatin until frothy. Add cherry mixture. Whip the cream and fold into whipped gelatin and cherry mixture. Pour over base. Chill until set.


 1 cup uncooked oats, quick or old-fashioned
 1 cup brown sugar
 ½ cup melted butter
 1 pound 14 oz can pitted, dark sweet cherries
 1 small package cherry flavored gelatin
 2 cups miniature marshmallows
 1 cup chopped nut meats
 1 pt whipping cream



For the base, thoroughly mix all ingredients. Pat into the bottom of a 9x13 pan and chill.


Drain cherries, reserving 1 1/2 cups cherry juice. Heat cherry juice, add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Place in refrigerator until partially set. Mix drained cherries, marshmallows, and nutmeats, let stand while gelatin is setting. Beat gelatin until frothy. Add cherry mixture. Whip the cream and fold into whipped gelatin and cherry mixture. Pour over base. Chill until set.


Cherry Marshmallow Fluff

Mini marshmallows are a big, big thing in our house. What you can’t see here is my kids sitting at the table, both with a bowl of mini marshmallows in front of them and stuffing their chipmunk cheeks.

Christmas in July!

This was a fun and different crust. Especially because I love brown sugar and could eat it by the spoonful. Honestly, eating morning oatmeal is just an excuse for me to eat brown sugar.

Whip it. Whip it good!

I’m always amazed by how much gelatin expands when you whip it.

I’m not sure if it was the ingredient combo or the heat, but this one took a long time to set. And even when it set it was pretty soft.

“Hold still! I’m trying to take a picture of you enjoying it!”

“Nope. I’m off to get more.”

“But you haven’t finished your first piece!”

“I’m going to eat this whole pan.”

The Verdict: Mandatory Seconds

From The Tasting Notes – 

This was really good. Sweet, light, and refreshing. Good cherry flavor. The crust was fun, especially if you like brown sugar. I used fresh sour cherries in this, and it was still pretty sweet, so use sweet or sour cherries depending on what you like. Pretty much your traditional gelatin salad, which was a nice change for us.
