
I’m sick of mayonnaise. I never thought it would happen, but eating a ton of sandwiches and macaroni salads has finally taken it’s toll. I can hear the mayo-haters out there saying “Hallelujah!”, and for the rest of you, you get to benefit as well.

Because we are making coleslaw without mayonnaise today.

This is Cole Slaw And Dressing!


From The Queen's Book, 1967

Tested Recipe!


 1 head cabbage
 ½ cup chopped onion
 1 green pepper
 2 grated carrots
 1 tbsp celery seed
 1 cup sugar
 1 cup vinegar
 1 tsp dry mustard
 1 tsp salt


Cook dressing over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Add celery seed and pour over shredded vegetables. Let sit overnight in the refrigerator for the flavors to come together.


 1 head cabbage
 ½ cup chopped onion
 1 green pepper
 2 grated carrots
 1 tbsp celery seed
 1 cup sugar
 1 cup vinegar
 1 tsp dry mustard
 1 tsp salt



Cook dressing over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Add celery seed and pour over shredded vegetables. Let sit overnight in the refrigerator for the flavors to come together.


Cole Slaw And Dressing

First off, everyone please admire this photo taken by Alex. She says that she wants to be the one to take all of the pictures for Mid-Century Menu, so I let her take a crack at it. She has to grow a few feet, but we have been practicing with her standing on a step stool for now.

Anyway, this week my CSA came with a head of cabbage and a bag as big as TJ filled with carrots, so we had to whip out something to use up the cabbage. It had been bruised a bit and was going downhill fast, so time was of the essence.

Excuse my cole slaw bits. I can only find the “blitz” disk for my food processor. You probably want to make it with bigger chunks than this. We also didn’t have a green pepper, unfortunately, but I figured we could still make this work.

“is it good?”

“Yup. Now all I need is an old-school style Wisconsin fish fry so this coleslaw can be in it’s true element.”

The Verdict: Fish-Fry Good

From The Testing Notes – 

This was a good, classic, vinegar-dressed coleslaw. Sweet and sour tangy dressing on crunchy veggies. Nothing fancy, but still delicious. In terms of the salad itself, it did unfortunately get that extra water in it that coleslaw has when the cabbage hits salt and starts to weep. So if you have a full-proof way of at least reducing that significantly, please feel free to share it with others in the comments. I didn’t do any of my normal tricks because I didn’t want to mess with the flavor, but this needed some kind of moisture prevention. In terms of taste, I did a quick taste right after I added the dressing to the veggies, and it tasted waaaay too sweet. However, it was perfect after sitting overnight, so make sure you give this time to meld and do it’s thing before you serve it. Oh, and we did add some red pepper flakes after the official taste test as a sub for the missing green pepper, and they definitely improved the salad overall.

I am putting up a new poll today for my Patrons on Patreon to pick Tom’s recipe for next week! If you would like to support this blog to keep it ad-free AND get a chance to torture Tom a little, please head over and pledge! Thank you!

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