
Somehow this week I didn’t have time to test another recipe, but I did have a grapefruit laying around, so I decided to make another drink.


This is Colonial Cocktail!


From vintage tabletop fortune cards

Tested Recipe


 1 oz dry gin
 ½ oz grapefruit juice
 3 dashes Maraschino


Shake with cracked ice.


 1 oz dry gin
 ½ oz grapefruit juice
 3 dashes Maraschino



Shake with cracked ice.


Colonial Cocktail

This cocktail is probably familiar, because we tried almost exactly the same cocktail last week. I thought that it would be good to do these back to back, for science.





“This is ok.”

“Just ok?

“ Yeah. Not great. Here, you try it.”

“Yeeeeeeeah, this is bitter.  Do you like it better than the Melon one?”

“Surprisingly, I think I like this one better. It just needs a sugar cube or something.”

“I don’t know. I miss the mysterious melon flavor.”

The Verdict: A Little Bitter

From The Tasting Notes –

This one was pretty good, but not great. Since there is grapefruit juice in this, it should come as no surprise that this drink a little bitter. Maybe another “dash” of Maraschino or some sugar would help this out. But overall it was more pleasant to drink that the Melon Cocktail. It didn’t have that weird “off” flavor that one did. This cocktail was more balanced, just a touch on the bitter side. But it didn’t have the mystery melon flavor of the other cocktail, which was kind of a let down for me. Overall, both were ok but not great cocktails.
