
It’s rhubarb season again! And while we have a couple different ways to use up your extra crop of “pie plant” on our blog, this is easily our favorite! Even though this pie was only posted last year, this has been a favorite in Tom’s family for forever.  In fact, I am planning on making this pie this week, just as soon as Tom finishes the pie for the upcoming Second Annual Pieathalon Challenge, which will be coming up on June 8th!

So, I was really excited about the recent First Annual Pieathalon Blogger Challenge. It was crazy, and fun and great and I LOVED it.

And today we have Tom’s favorite pie, ever, ever. Grandma’s Rhubarb Meringue Pie!IMG_7325


From Grandma Clark

Tested Recipe!


 ½ cup butter
 ¼ cup sugar
 1 tsp vanilla
 ½ tsp salt
 1 cup flour
 ¾ cup oats
 1 cup white sugar
 2 tbsp flour
  tsp salt
 3 cups dived rhubarb
 1 tbsp water
 3 egg yolks
 3 egg whites
  tsp salt
  cup sugar
 ½ tsp vanilla or lemon extract


Cream butter, sugar, vanilla, and salt. Mix in flour and rolled oats. Blend until dough is formed.


Press dough over bottom and sides of 9" pie plate, making a high, even edge. Chill.


Mix salt, sugar, and flour. Set aside.


Combine rhubarb & water in a saucepan. Cover and bring to a boil. Stir in sugar mixture. Boil, stirring often.


Fold a small amount of hot mixture into egg yolks. Stir eggs into hot mixture slowly. Pour into crust. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes or until set.


Beat whites and salt until soft peaks form. Add sugar gradually. Beat until glossy. Beat in extracts.


Spread over the hot filling so that it touches the edge of the crust. Return to oven and brown for 8-10 minutes.


 ½ cup butter
 ¼ cup sugar
 1 tsp vanilla
 ½ tsp salt
 1 cup flour
 ¾ cup oats
 1 cup white sugar
 2 tbsp flour
  tsp salt
 3 cups dived rhubarb
 1 tbsp water
 3 egg yolks
 3 egg whites
  tsp salt
  cup sugar
 ½ tsp vanilla or lemon extract



Cream butter, sugar, vanilla, and salt. Mix in flour and rolled oats. Blend until dough is formed.


Press dough over bottom and sides of 9" pie plate, making a high, even edge. Chill.


Mix salt, sugar, and flour. Set aside.


Combine rhubarb & water in a saucepan. Cover and bring to a boil. Stir in sugar mixture. Boil, stirring often.


Fold a small amount of hot mixture into egg yolks. Stir eggs into hot mixture slowly. Pour into crust. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes or until set.


Beat whites and salt until soft peaks form. Add sugar gradually. Beat until glossy. Beat in extracts.


Spread over the hot filling so that it touches the edge of the crust. Return to oven and brown for 8-10 minutes.


Grandma’s Rhubarb Meringue Pie


This pie is different from the normal pie, which is great. It starts out with an oatmeal cookie crust.

Just…think about that.

Oatmeal. Cookie. Crust.


Then it is filled with a sweet, tart and creamy filling. No strawberries here, thanks. Just pure rhubarb goodness!

Just a side note – Why does rhubarb filling always look so bad? This one was a challenge to photograph!


And then the whole shebang is topped off with meringue.  And since we make this pie a couple of times during rhubarb season, I have been experimenting with it a bit. I regularly switch between the recommended white sugar and brown sugar for the crust and the meringue. Brown sugar meringue is really, really good.

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“I could eat this entire pie.”

The Verdict: Delicious

From The Tasting Notes –

Since this is a family recipe, we are a bit biased about this one, but we think it is really good. The filing is tart, sweet and creamy and the crust is pretty much an oatmeal cookie. How can you go wrong with that? Normally I could take or leave meringue, but when I switch out brown sugar for white it almost makes it taste like frosting. Delicious, delicious pie frosting. Yum.
