
I think this recipe’s name is rather bizarre.


It sort of ruins the surprise when you explain all the ingredients, doesn’t it?

Apricot Angel Cake Surprise – Mid-Century Recipe Guest Test Sunday
  • 1 (10-inch) angel food cake
  • 1 cup syrup from canned apricots
  • 1 (3-ounce) package orange-flavored gelatin
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 pint vanilla ice cream
  • 1 cup drained, sieved, canned apricots
  1. Cut a horizontal slice, 1 inch thick, from top of cake. Cutting down from the top, remove center portion, leaving a shell 2 inches deep all the way around remaining cake. (These pieces can be used in other parfait angel desserts, if desired.)
  2. Heat apricot syrup to boiling. Remove from heat. Stir in gelatin, until dissolved. Add lemon juice and ice cream cut in pieces. Stir until melted. Chill until mixture is thickened but not set. Fold in apricot pulp. Spoon mixture into hollowed-out cake. Replace slice cut from top. Chill until filling is set.
  3. If desired, just before serving spread top and sides with sweetened whipped cream. Yields 12 to 16 servings.


Apparently angel food cake is pretty easy to make, although I’ve never tried (and don’t even have the right sort of pan). Luckily, angel food cakes is readily available in local grocery stores.


Orange Jello plus vanilla ice cream tastes (not surprisingly) like a creamsicle. The apricot syrup couldn’t really be tasted, at least not before I added the apricot pulp.


I cut a deep trench in the cake — instead of saving the bits for other desserts, though, I fed a greedy toddler.

Then it was time to fill it back up with thickened-not-set apricot stuff.


I cleverly dropped the camera right in the middle of the apricot goo while trying to get a photo of it — luckily it was mostly on the backside, not the lens.

Filled it up, dropped the top back on, and slathered whipped cream all over. Not all the orange-apricot gelatin stuff was able to fit in, so I made cute little orange-apricot blobs to decorate the top. (Awwwww.)


Yes. Those are angel wings.


Ohhhhh, disappointed face!

“This is surprisingly sour.”

“Try a bit with more cake and whipped cream.”

After a second bite: “It’s not bad, but there’s way too much fruit goop.”

Verdict: Not bad, too much fruit.

Tasting notes:

It would be better with less filling and more cake to help mellow out the apricot/fake-orange flavors. Otherwise, it’s a neat idea and helps dress up the angel food cake.
