
Are you making a lamb cake this year for Easter? Do you WANT to make a lamb cake, but you don’t know where to start? Here is a quick round-up of lamb cake tips and tricks and some winner recipes from previous Easter posts!

Never Made A Lamb Cake Before – Then Start Here!


After I mentioned in an article on Wall Street Journal that I was looking for lamb cake recipes and tips, I received tons of email and recipes from all over the country!  With the help of experienced lamb cake bakers, I compiled this lamb cake primer to help everyone achieve lamb cake success!

Or you can check out the video tutorial here:

And now that you know how to bake a great lamb cake, you can use one of these tested recipes:

Renalde Lamb Cake

This lamb cake is light, fluffy and sturdy. It also pairs really well with coconut, making this the lamb cake for Easter. I love this cake, and I think this is the one that tastes the most like my grandmother’s lamb cake!

Alternate Cake : Pope Family Lamb Cake


If you like your lamb cake to have more of a pound cake texture, then you should make this cake! It has a delicate caramel flavor and is FANTASTIC with strawberries!

Hope everyone has a happy Easter, and good luck with your lamb cakes!!
