
Who is ready for a kinda creepy drink today?

This is Mushroom Buttermilk Cooler!


From Knudsen Dairy Products


 1 can condensed mushroom soup
 1 soup can buttermilk
 ½ tsp  Worcestershire sauce
 ½ tsp salt


Blend ingredients thoroughly and chill. Sprinkle each serving with a bit of paprika.
Yield: Serves 6 to 8



 1 can condensed mushroom soup
 1 soup can buttermilk
 ½ tsp  Worcestershire sauce
 ½ tsp salt



Blend ingredients thoroughly and chill. Sprinkle each serving with a bit of paprika.
Yield: Serves 6 to 8


Mushroom Buttermilk Cooler

I dunno, guys. Patreon is starting to feel like an “I Dare You” game. The most recent patron poll had several perfectly delicious-looking interesting drinks in it, but the patrons overwhelming decided that having Tom drink mushroom soup and buttermilk was a good option.

And, after laughing my butt off for about 10 minutes, I decided that it would be a good idea, too. 

This close-up isn’t to show off the drink, which just looked gray and scary, it is to show off my grandmother’s soda fountain glasses. I can still remember drinking lemonade out of these and eating American cheese and deli roast chicken sandwiches at her house during our summers there!

But, let’s get back to that gray stuff in the beloved glass. Oh wait, that’s right. I wouldn’t let Tom actually drink out of my precious glass, so he got a different glass.

“I don’t want to do this.”

“Duly noted. But the patrons are counting on you to guzzle it.”

“I know. It’s going to take me a bit to work up to it.”

“Oh, that’s not good.”

“What does it taste like?”

“This tastes like a cold pot pie.”

The Verdict: Cold Pot Pie

From The Tasting Notes –

As you can imagine, this was not great. I’m not a huge canned cream of mushroom soup fan anyway, so to me, it tasted like the way a wet dog smells. It was very funky, and mostly what I got was hits of Worchestershire sauce. Surprisingly, it wasn’t very salty at all. In fact, it could have used way more salt. It wasn’t an enjoyable experience, and it wasn’t even the fault of the buttermilk. Tom didn’t drink any more past the taste test. I have the rest sitting in my fridge and I think I might use it to make biscuits or something. 
